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November 2, 2004

A grateful nation turns out to endorse their Dear Leader

Scott Ott gives us a vision of what we'd see in the paper today if all of the Looney Left's dark accusations were really true:
Exit Polls Show 100 Percent Turnout, All for Bush

(2004-11-02) -- Early exit polling, even before precincts had opened on the east coast, shows that today's voter turnout will be 100 percent of those registered, and all voters enthusiastically support the Bush regime.

"His popular support rivals Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro, Kim Jong Il and his close friend King Fahd," said an unnamed spokesman for the United Nation's election monitoring team. "Some people are literally marking their ballots with their own blood to show their devotion to this dear leader."

Read the whole thing, have a good laugh, and then GET OUT AND VOTE!

(But only if you're voting for the Dear Leader, of course)

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