"Here I am! Did you miss me?"
After a nearly three-year hiatus, I find that I simply must return to blogging at C-Pol.
As many of you know, I've spent the past year and a half writing on climate change issues at
The Global Warming Heretic. That debate continues to rage unabated, and it's about to take a more sinister* turn in the U.S. under the incoming Obama administration, but I've found that there are now a multitude of sites out there that handle the technical side of the debate far better than I can, and I humbly yield to them.
The other angles of the controversy -- namely, public policy and media coverage -- can be handled just as well (or even better) within the scope and mission of the C-Pol blog.
I had a lot to say during the recently concluded presidential campaign, but I did so mainly through other forums. Now, for the first time in years, I've been feeling a tug back toward this blog. And here I'll be, until I get tired of doing it again.
As I said on my other blog:
Real life often takes me away from blogging, so don't assume this site has been abandoned just because it's been a week or two since I last posted. Whenever opportunity and motivation converge favorably, I'll be here.
I pursue this blog as a hobby, not a vocation. When real life intrudes, blogging will usually have to take a back seat. I expect, however, that I'll be here often enough to keep the place interesting.
* Sinister in the sense that we now have national leaders more than willing to implement bad policy based on dubious science.