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June 16, 2004

Klan, Nazis, Garfield...whatever

Best of the Web noticed a debate over at IMDB regarding the new Garfield movie.  It seems that the movie was a cleverly disguised racist diatribe.  As BotW relates:
"Anyone notice that Garfield has black stripes, but his owner is white?" asks a reader called setht_1. "Makes you think." When another reader asks for elaboration, setht_1 replies: "The stripes are black, the owner of the cat is white. It doesn't take a genius to see the implications."
I'd love to think that "setht_1" really knew better and was trying to stir up trouble just for fun, but this kind of reasoning is all too common in modern American politics.  The Left has applied the term 'racism' to just about everything under the sun (except, of course, the causes of the Left), to the point where it is nigh impossible to have a civil, meaningful debate on the topic.

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