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September 5, 2005

So....W really DID cause Katrina?

I'm not sure I should be rewarding these folks by linking to them, but there is a certain constituency out there that firmly believes that the president and his evil cabal literally engineered Katrina and aimed it at New Orleans.


Anonymous said...

It is sort of funny. I took a quick look at the link. What I found, was unsurprisingly a mixture of facts and fiction. The facts seem to be interpreted in a rather moonbat like fashion. If they support the conclusion they are amplified and repeated. Alternative constructions, and interpretations of the information are obviously the result of the conspiritor's efforts at propaganda.

I'm concerned that the governments will get into weather in a bigger way, with the best of motives, and cause yet another worsening of existing situations. If for example Texas takes water out of the air for agriculture and industry, what happens down wind in areas that have historically received rain. All it takes is a look at what we've done to the Colorado River, ask yourself how much water do the Mexicans get from the Colorado river today, as compared to 1905.

The history of man's intervention in the ecology is not a stellar record.


Tim said...

If for example Texas takes water out of the air for agriculture and industry, what happens down wind in areas that have historically received rain.

Speaking as a Texan who has to endure hot, humid summers, I wouldn't mind too much if someone figured out how to trap the moisture as it hits the coast and then just pipeline it up to Oklahoma. It's not like it ever falls here as rain! :-)