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September 21, 2004

Law and morality

Dennis Prager nails an important distinction between the Left and (much of) the Right: the Left views law as an end in itself, rather than a means to an end.
In fact, since it lacks the self-control apparatus that is a major part of religion, the Left passes more and more laws to control people. That is why there is a direct link between the decline in Judeo-Christian religion and the increase in governmental laws controlling human behavior.
In a way, it might be dangerous if we small-government conservatives got our wish. So much of America has lost its moral compass that it can't function civilly without the heavy hand of law to regulate its behavior.

1 comment:

Tim said...

[Reader 'chocolate' writes:]

From Prager's column - "To the Left, legality matters most, while to the Right, legality matters far less than morality. To the Right and to the religious, the law, when it is doing its job, is only a vehicle to morality, never a moral end in itself."
I thought of a perfect example of this. The current state of the battle over indecency on the airwaves. There is a divide between the side that wants propriety and the side that thinks free speech means anything goes. If you don't like it, just turn the dial!!

"Opie & Anthony", radio talk show personalities, were on the Sean Hannity radio show last week speaking about being suspended from their jobs because of what they chose to broadcast on their radio show. One of them was responding to Sean's questions as to what is acceptable and what isn't. There was an example that he said he wouldn't do because it is clearly illegal. So, he will put anything on the air as long as it isn't illegal.

Finally, the notion of a secular left, and religious right is what I see as the cause for the "divided nation" we keep hearing about. The solution is to lead others to faith in Christ. Among many other things, it will change a heart's moral compass.
