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September 13, 2004

Zell Miller answers his critics

Miller has written an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal to respond to the left's fury over his speech at the Republican Convention.  Here's a sample:

A lot has been said about my angry demeanor. I've made enough speeches to know that you're supposed to connect with the audience by telling a joke or a humorous anecdote or some amusing tale. It's a tried-and-true formula that I've used for most of my life. But this was not a normal speech in a normal time.

Today, we are at the most serious moment of history that we may ever know, and I wanted to connect with the seriousness of this moment, not the audience.

Although Miller continues to share many of the values of the Democratic Party, he understands the times better than any other prominent Democrat...and he's man enough to say so, regardless of the political consequences.  For that reason, he has my admiration.

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