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January 17, 2005

Attack of the feminist knitters

Once again, the Left defies parody.
Wombs on Washington: A pro-choice crafting group using their skillz for good.

Conception [No pun appears to be intended here - Tim]: Created by a feminist knitter, who expressed her frustrations with the conservative Supreme Court and the possibility of Scalia as the new chief justice; "I may as well cut out my womb and leave it on the steps of the supreme court."? A suggestion of knitting a representation of her uterus from a popular pattern was suggested, and a campaign for Women's Rights was born!

Basics: Women and men from across the country will knit, crochet, sew, and otherwise create a "womb" (or vaginas, coat hangers, whatever they feel necessary) to have dumped on the steps of the Supreme Court building. The intent is to be HEARD by our government. Also involved might be a letter-writing campaign and local womb-drops AFTER the main events, as well as this concept working into V-day celebrations and tours.

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