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January 19, 2005

John Kerry, the AntiW

John Kerry was one of only two dissenters in this morning's Senate Foreign Relations Committee confirmation vote for Secretary of State nominee Condoleezza Rice. The other No was from Hillary ally Barbara Boxer -- apparently chosen to be the mouthpiece for the Dems on this issue.

But why Kerry? My speculation on this is that he's already running for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination. As in last year's campaign, he wouldn't be caught dead casting any vote that might be interpreted as an endorsement of W's foreign policy.

UPDATE: Best of the Web opines that Kerry's vote was a simple matter of sour grapes (scroll down to "The Loser Party"). Perhaps... We may be able to tell which explanation is closer to the truth by how long Kerry persists in this behavior.

UPDATE: Boortz also thinks it's sour grapes. Sigh.

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