- Michelle Malkin lists a lot of ways to help.
- NOAA has posted aerial surveys of the Mississippi coastal area.
- Planned Parenthood displays their customary tact and sensitivity by offering free "morning after" pills and birth control to women in the disaster area.
- It didn't take long for someone to organize a relief concert.
- It also didn't take long for the greenies to (incorrectly) blame Katrina on global warming and blame President Bush for not signing Kyoto. See this Discover Magazine interview with hurricane expert William Gray for the contrary point of view. (Thanks to Peer Review for the Discover link)
- Still underreported (although AP is now quoting the NO mayor's fears regarding that city) is the likelihood that the death toll will run into the thousands. Right now, relief workers are essentially pushing the bodies aside as they search for survivors. The count hasn't really begun yet.
- The lawlessness in NO is breathtaking. According to this report, "armed looters" are holding the staff and patients of Tulane Medical Center hostage at this moment (Wednesday afternoon), and are firing at National Guardsmen.
- The looting appears to be out of control in Gulfport as well.
August 31, 2005
Katrina Quick Takes
Here are a few things I've come across today regarding the unfolding tragedy on the Gulf coast.
August 27, 2005
Chinese peasant prepares legal challenge to practice of forced abortion and sterilization
WaPo, August 27 (excerpt):
UPDATE: Chen was just "seized" by the provincial authorities he was targeting while he was in Beijing to press his case.
LINYI, China -- A crowd of disheveled villagers was waiting when Chen Guangcheng stepped out of the car. More women than men among them, a mix of desperation and hope on their faces, they ushered him along a dirt path and into a nearby house. Then, one after another, they told him about the city's campaign against "unplanned births."
Since March, the farmers said, local authorities had been raiding the homes of families with two children and demanding at least one parent be sterilized. Women pregnant with a third child were forced to have abortions. And if people tried to hide, the officials jailed their relatives and neighbors, beating them and holding them hostage until the fugitives turned themselves in.
Chen, 34, a slender man wearing dark sunglasses, held out a digital voice recorder and listened intently. Blind since birth, he couldn't see the tears of the women forced to terminate pregnancies seven or eight months along, or the blank stares of the men who said they submitted to vasectomies to save family members from torture. But he could hear the pain and anger in their voices and said he was determined to do something about it.
For weeks, Chen has been collecting testimony about the population-control abuses in this city of 10 million, located about 400 miles southeast of Beijing, beginning in his own village in the rural suburbs, then traveling from one community to the next. Now he is preparing an unlikely challenge to the crackdown: a class-action lawsuit.
"What these officials are doing is completely illegal," Chen said. "They've committed widespread violations of citizens' basic rights, and they should be held responsible."
It might appear a quixotic crusade -- a blind peasant with limited legal training taking on the Communist Party's one-child policy, which has long been considered a pillar of the nation's economic development strategy and off-limits to public debate. But the Linyi case marks a legal milestone in challenging the coercive measures used for decades to limit population growth in China.
UPDATE: Chen was just "seized" by the provincial authorities he was targeting while he was in Beijing to press his case.

Attention, whoever suddenly started spamming this blog today.... GO AWAY.

You're a fool if you think I'll let your "comments" remain just because you pretended to say something flattering about C-Pol.... as if you had actually read anything here.

If you have something to say that's relevant to the topics posted here, you're welcome to stick around. Otherwise, take a hike.

August 26, 2005
Socialists and National Socialists join hands in support of Cindy Sheehan
Moonbat Central reports that the antisemitic white nationalists of Stormfront are coming down to join Cindy Sheehan's circus in Crawford this weekend, and that Sheehan and her fellow travelers apparently are just fine with that. Read the whole article to see how Sheehan and the Nazis have found common cause in many areas.
August 25, 2005
Selfish Americans, Europeans, Russians and Japanese threaten Third World by failing to reproduce
An August 23 AP article sounds the familiar theme that global population growth is being led by developing countries. But then the article takes an interesting twist:
If things continue in this way, the developing countries may be forced to raise themselves by their own bootstraps, rather than ours.
(P.S. Before anyone accuses me of being a cruel, heartless monster who hates the poor, please note that my main point can be found in the third paragraph.)
The rapid growth in developing countries, combined with declining birth rates in some industrialized nations could affect the ability of the wealthy to aid the poor, said a demographer who prepared the group's report.The global wealth transfer from the pockets of the taxpayers of the developed world to the pockets of the leaders of the developing world is gravely threatened by this trend.
If things continue in this way, the developing countries may be forced to raise themselves by their own bootstraps, rather than ours.
(P.S. Before anyone accuses me of being a cruel, heartless monster who hates the poor, please note that my main point can be found in the third paragraph.)
August 24, 2005
Abortion rate exceeds birth rate in Russia
Russia is dying.
Bloomberg reports that reported abortions outnumbered live births by more than 100,000 last year in that country—there were likely many more unreported abortions. Add to this the facts that the death rate (out-of-womb death rate, that is) exceeds the birth rate by 50%, and that there is no immigrant inflow worth speaking of, and we have a significant geopolitical disaster in the making.
A vanishing Russia has nothing to fear from its European neighbors (who are dealing with their own population crisis), but it has plenty to fear from its neighbors to the south: the Muslims in Central Asia and the mineral-hungry Chinese in East Asia, neither of which would hesitate to move northward at the opportune time.
Interestingly, Russian scientists blame the abortion rate on poverty—which makes sense until one realizes that most poverty-stricken countries have out of control birth rates. Europeans have apparently decided that children are a hindrance to their pursuit of happiness, and it looks like many Russians have concluded the same.
(Credit: Adam's Blog)
Bloomberg reports that reported abortions outnumbered live births by more than 100,000 last year in that country—there were likely many more unreported abortions. Add to this the facts that the death rate (out-of-womb death rate, that is) exceeds the birth rate by 50%, and that there is no immigrant inflow worth speaking of, and we have a significant geopolitical disaster in the making.
A vanishing Russia has nothing to fear from its European neighbors (who are dealing with their own population crisis), but it has plenty to fear from its neighbors to the south: the Muslims in Central Asia and the mineral-hungry Chinese in East Asia, neither of which would hesitate to move northward at the opportune time.
Interestingly, Russian scientists blame the abortion rate on poverty—which makes sense until one realizes that most poverty-stricken countries have out of control birth rates. Europeans have apparently decided that children are a hindrance to their pursuit of happiness, and it looks like many Russians have concluded the same.
(Credit: Adam's Blog)
August 22, 2005
OT: Death by caffeine
For those of us still trying to wake up on a Monday morning, here's a site that answers a question I'm sure we've all asked before:
How many servings of [my favorite caffeinated drink] would it take to literally kill me?
(Credit: Jonah G.)
How many servings of [my favorite caffeinated drink] would it take to literally kill me?
(Credit: Jonah G.)
August 20, 2005
ACLU: Drug-using pregnant mom innocent of harming preborn baby, since baby isn't person
The American Civil Liberties Union, champion of depraved worldviews:
Lawyers for the American Civil Liberties Union are appealing the conviction of an Easton woman who was accused of endangering a child by using cocaine while she was pregnant.
Defense attorneys had sought an acquittal, arguing there was never a risk of harm to another person -- because a fetus doesn't meet the definition of a person under state law. But a Talbot County judge ruled that the person who suffered the risk was the baby after it was born.
ACLU attorneys said prosecuting women for their actions during pregnancy is unprecedented elsewhere in Maryland and claim it is an attempt to create a new crime by charging pregnant women for harming their fetuses.
August 19, 2005
Yet another reason to kill preborn babies
I mentioned earlier that the discovery of a new cell type in umbilical cord blood might deal a setback to the Culture of Death's quest to ensure that as many babies as possible never see the light of day, but this August 18 WaPo article reminds me that the CoD is fighting on many fronts:
An experimental therapy that uses skin cells grown from an aborted fetus successfully healed severe burns in eight children, sparing them the need for skin grafts, according to a study published today.
The treatment led to the regrowth of essentially normal skin on second- and third-degree burns in about two weeks, according to the report by a Swiss research team. The scarring and tissue contraction seen after many burns did not occur, and dressing changes were easier and less painful, the researchers said.
The fetal tissue promotes growth of the patient's own skin cells rather than becoming incorporated into the recipient's skin as a true "graft." Further, it appears that a piece of fetal skin smaller than a postage stamp could be used to produce enough cells to treat hundreds of patients.
Yet another reason to homeschool
CNSNews.com, August 19:
Nearly two out of every three high school students and more than one out of every four middle school students in America will be exposed to drug use when they return to class this fall, according to a study released Thursday by the Center for Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University.My wife and I have yet to see a convincing reason to make us regret our decision to homeschool our son.
"This summer and fall, 62 percent of high schoolers -- some 10.6 million -- and 28 percent of middle schoolers -- some 2.4 million -- will go to schools where drugs are used, kept or sold," said Joseph A. Califano, Jr., chairman and president of CASA.
Another grilled-cheese sandwich discovery
Excerpt from top-notch satire at Sharp as a Marble:
(Note: Yes, I'm aware that Mrs Sheehan has left Crawford to visit her ailing mother. No, I don't think this fact makes it inappropriate to criticize her views.)Crawford Tx. – Thousands of people gathered today to try to catch a glimpse of a grilled cheese sandwich that supposedly sported the likeness of Mother Sheehan, the Patron Saint of Left Causes. Mrs. Sheehan is grieving her lost son Casey, who was killed in combat after apparently being forced to volunteer for military duty, and currently camping near President Bush’s vacation ranch to protest the war. Mrs. Sheehan was recently bestowed the highest honor the Left can give: Victim.
“There’ve been rumors of Mother Sheehan’s apparition showing up on the sides of insurance buildings and even around leaky cracks beneath over passes, “ said one Chairman of the Democratic National Committee who requested his name be withheld. “But this is the real deal. Mother Sheehan has spoken to us through Parkay, whole wheat and two slices of Kraft Singles. I swear I could almost feel her pain when some of the cheese dripped onto my finger.” The chairman refused to comment on speculations that the resulting burn resembled Howard Cosell.
Newly-discovered cell type may deal setback to Culture of Death
This appears to be very good news:
A reported breakthrough in stem cell research may lend new weight to the campaign against the use of human embryos in research, one of the most pressing ethical controversies facing governments in the U.S. and elsewhere.If this method lives up to its promise, I'll be watching to see if the celebrity proponents of embryo harvesting endorse it.
American and British researchers say that they have found, in umbilical cord blood, a new type of cell -- neither embryonic nor "adult" -- which is more versatile than the latter while avoiding the ethical dilemmas surrounding the former.
And in a further development, the scientists have found a way to mass-produce the new cells, sidestepping the problem of limited supply of embryonic cells.
The cord-blood-derived-embryonic-like stem cells (CBEs) share many of the same characteristics of embryonic cells and one day might be used to treat injuries or diseases.
The researchers already have successfully turned the cells into human liver tissue.
The worst crime of the 20th century?
Not Hitler's genocide, nor Stalin's, nor Mao's. Based on a comparison of the number of unjust deaths, the clear winner is the global ban of the insecticide DDT. Pretty much every scientific claim made to support the ban has been thoroughly refuted, and now Rachel Carson along with her fellow travelers can claim credit for tens of millions of deaths from malaria, a disease that had pretty much been eradicated in the Western world at the time the ban was imposed.
Despite the overwhelming scientific evidence, nobody of consequence dares to call for the lifting of the ban. And the death toll continues to mount.
Despite the overwhelming scientific evidence, nobody of consequence dares to call for the lifting of the ban. And the death toll continues to mount.
August 18, 2005
No, Christopher Walken isn't running for president
A lot of sites are buzzing about Walken2008, and far too many people are taking it seriously. It's a hoax (a pretty well-crafted one, albeit with a few rough edges) perpetrated by a bunch of strange people over at a site called General Mayhem. I'm not giving the link, because the folks over on that forum go out of their way to be offensive, but if you really must, you can track it down yourself.
One easy tip-off for me was the "press release" on the website announcing to the press that he wasn't going to announce his candidacy to the press just yet.
One easy tip-off for me was the "press release" on the website announcing to the press that he wasn't going to announce his candidacy to the press just yet.
Celebrate infidelity
...with Secret Lover greeting cards. Not that the creator of the cards, Cathy Gallagher is endorsing adultery:
Gallagher says she doesn’t talk about the social implications: “I’m neither a crusader nor an advocate for this lifestyle. I’m a businesswoman.” As for her critics, she says, “People are entitled to their opinions.”Well, Mrs. Gallagher, brace yourself for an onslaught of opinions.
How low can they go?
The MSM is digging as deep as it can to find dirt that will stain Judge John Roberts' reputation. Intrepid AP reporters now report breathlessly that Long Beach, Indiana, the town of Roberts' birth, is Too White (unlike, say, Howard Dean's Vermont or Ted Kennedy's Hyannisport). Further, many homes in this racist enclave had deed restrictions prohibiting sale or lease to Jews or minorities. So what if the Roberts family home had no such restriction? John probably played with kids from families whose homes had such restrictions, and that's good enough for a conviction.
August 17, 2005
August 16, 2005
New London adds insult to injury after Kelo win
I'm having trouble getting my mind to comprehend the audacity of the New London, Connecticut city planners. Fresh from their victory in the Kelo eminent domain case, the wonderful folks at the New London Development Corporation have served notice on the plaintiffs that they have been living on city land for the past five years (back to the point where the seizure was announced), and that they owe back rent for their stay there—to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars in some cases.
But wait—there's more! Any holdout who happened to be renting their property to someone else during the five year case will have to turn over all rental proceeds to the city (even if that is the landlord's only source of income).
The city's lawyers were positively giddy as they presented these demands:
I have a question for New London residents: How many of you are planning to vote for a single one of the city officials with direct or indirect influence over this case? If you are, does that mean you are okay with the monstrous behavior of those officials? But then again, it wasn't your property (plus five years of your life) that was taken, so what's the big deal?
But wait—there's more! Any holdout who happened to be renting their property to someone else during the five year case will have to turn over all rental proceeds to the city (even if that is the landlord's only source of income).
The city's lawyers were positively giddy as they presented these demands:
With language seemingly lifted straight from The Goonies, NLDC's lawyers wrote, "We know your clients did not expect to live in city-owned property for free, or rent out that property and pocket the profits, if they ultimately lost the case." They warned that "this problem will only get worse with the passage of time," and that the city was prepared to sue for the money if need be.But wait—there's more! NLDC's buyout offers are based on 2000 market prices, which are far below current prices. This basically means that the Kelo 7 won't be able to afford to buy another house in town.
I have a question for New London residents: How many of you are planning to vote for a single one of the city officials with direct or indirect influence over this case? If you are, does that mean you are okay with the monstrous behavior of those officials? But then again, it wasn't your property (plus five years of your life) that was taken, so what's the big deal?
August 15, 2005
It's a sad day when the WaPo lectures the GOP on fiscal discipline
It's even worse when their criticism of the GOP's wasteful spending is spot-on:
Back in 1987, when Mr. Reagan applied his veto to what was generally known at the time as the highway and mass transit bill, he was offended by the 152 earmarks for pet projects favored by members of Congress. But on Wednesday Mr. Bush signed a transportation bill containing no fewer than 6,371 earmarks. Each one of these, as Mr. Reagan understood but Mr. Bush apparently doesn't, amounts to a conscious decision to waste taxpayers' dollars. One point of an earmark is to direct money to a project that would not receive money as a result of rational judgments based on cost-benefit analyses.Of course, WaPo being WaPo, they couldn't resist ending with the snide question:
Mr. Bush, who had threatened to veto wasteful spending bills, chose instead to cave in. He did so despite the fact that in addition to a record number of earmarks the transportation bill came with a price tag that he had once called unacceptable. The bill has a declared cost of $286 billion over five years plus a concealed cost of a further $9 billion; Mr. Bush had earlier drawn a line in the sand at $256 billion, then drawn another line at $284 billion. Asked to explain the president's capitulation, a White House spokesman pleaded that at least this law would be less costly than the 2003 Medicare reform. This is a classic case of defining deviancy down.
Remember, Republicans control the Senate and the House as well as the White House. So somebody remind us: Which is the party of big government?The answer is that both parties are. The difference is that the parties often disagree on how to spend the ever-increasing share of our money.
(Click images to view full size)
August 8, 2005
As much as I hate leftist indoctrination in college classrooms...
...I've got to ask: Who does Congress think it is, telling colleges how to grade their students?
Meddling from Congress (apart from being unconstitutional) is more likely to provoke sympathy for the colleges. In my opinion, sunshine and ridicule are much more effective weapons against the Dark Side.
Meddling from Congress (apart from being unconstitutional) is more likely to provoke sympathy for the colleges. In my opinion, sunshine and ridicule are much more effective weapons against the Dark Side.
Cracks appearing in Canadian 'healthcare' system?
The Christian Science Monitor reports that, thanks to a ruling in Quebec, the first step may have been taken toward allowing private insurers to operate in Canada.
That is undoubtedly good news, but what is even more fascinating is the peek the article gives into the mentality of people who think the government should be the only dispenser of health care:
To further illustrate the absurdity of McBane's argument, we could try restating it in various ways:
The article is revealing in one other way: Many Canadians consider private insurance to be an American thing, and that fact alone increases political opposition to the idea. It appears that some there would literally rather die at the hands of their government before admitting that America was right about something.
That is undoubtedly good news, but what is even more fascinating is the peek the article gives into the mentality of people who think the government should be the only dispenser of health care:
Allowing people to buy private health insurance violates fundamental rights, [Canadian Health Coalition coordinator Michael] McBane says, because not everyone will be able to afford it.Given the realities of Canadian healthcare, McBane is arguing that everyone should be equally miserable and at risk of death due to the negligence of their government—a true legacy of socialism.
To further illustrate the absurdity of McBane's argument, we could try restating it in various ways:
- Allowing people to buy houses violates fundamental rights, because not everyone will be able to afford them.
- Allowing people to buy cars violates fundamental rights, because not everyone will be able to afford them.
- Allowing people to buy personal computers violates fundamental rights, because not everyone will be able to afford them.
The article is revealing in one other way: Many Canadians consider private insurance to be an American thing, and that fact alone increases political opposition to the idea. It appears that some there would literally rather die at the hands of their government before admitting that America was right about something.
August 6, 2005
The left embraces McCarthyism in its attacks on Judge Roberts
As David Horowitz notes, the White House embarassed itself in the way it reacted to these attacks, and conservatives in general were not willing to cry foul:
The White House has already caved to this malicious McCarthyite attack on the Federalist Society by attempting to distance its nominee Judge Roberts from membership. Are you now or have you ever been.. Once you have reached the stage of attempting to avoid the guilt by association that the left's lynch mob is attempting to establish, you are half-way to the stake. Already the White House and its candidate have taken a beating as reward for their appeasement of hatemongers. Judge Roberts has put himself in the position of denying that he is a member of the Federalist Society. It turns out he was on one of its steering committees at one time.
The Federalist Society is no more conservative than the American Bar Association is left. Or to put it accurately, the Federalist Society is somewhat less conservative than the American Bar Association is left. And it is far less activist. The Federalist Society is principally an intellectual forum where conservatives can discuss with liberals issues that they couldn't discuss in law school venues because the totalitarian intolerance of leftwing law professors who control these schools effectively silenced them by excluding them from its platforms. The fact that the Federalist Society is an issue at all is a testament to how the witch-hunt is the essence of leftwing politics, and how successful that politics is. Imagine if conservatives had made Ruth Bader-Ginsburg's leadership role in the ACLU an issue, or her member of the American Bar Association. Or if they had pointed out that WeatherUnderground terrorist Bernardine Dohrn, for example, sits on august committees and advisory boards of both organizations.
I don't think we were supposed to take this literally
I keep coming across ways people have devised to help us "stand on the word of God".
You could try having a Bible encased in the foundation of your house, but why not be doubly sure? Once the house is finished, you can walk in it wearing shoes that have inserts with Bible verses on them.
Well meaning, but... Sigh.
You could try having a Bible encased in the foundation of your house, but why not be doubly sure? Once the house is finished, you can walk in it wearing shoes that have inserts with Bible verses on them.
Well meaning, but... Sigh.
August 4, 2005
The GOP proves it can't handle being in the majority
...and the WaPo is having a field day with this truth (emphasis added):
I have no illusions about the GOP. When in power, they're as willing as the Dems to spend like drunken sailors (although the projects are usually different). The big difference is that the GOP pretends to be otherwise at election time, and not enough of the base cares enough about the spending issue to send Congress any kind of "wake-up call".
Although I tend to vote Republican, I don't consider myself to be a Republican—why endorse a party that truly believes very little of what it professes to believe? The GOP has never gotten any money from me, and I don't expect it ever will. They spend enough of my money as it is.
Having skirted budget restraints and approved nearly $300 billion in new spending and tax breaks before leaving town, Republican lawmakers are now determined to claim full credit for the congressional spending. Far from shying away from their accomplishments, lawmakers are embracing the pork [...]When the GOP is in the minority, we get the Contract with America. When they're in the majority (and they control the White House as well), the principles of the Contract with America become as quaint and obsolete as the Constitution itself.
When the year started, President Bush made spending restraint a mantra, laying out an austere budget that would freeze non-security discretionary spending for five years and setting firm cost limits on transportation and energy bills. But now, as Congress fills in the details of the budget plan, there is little interest in making deep cuts and enormous pressure to spend.
Lawmakers have seen little to fear from a political backlash, some acknowledge, and Bush has yet to wield his veto pen. In fact, the White House has proved itself largely unable to overcome the institutional forces that have long driven lawmakers to ply their parochial interests with cash.
"If you look at fiscal conservatism these days, it's in a sorry state," said Rep. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), one of only eight House members to vote against the $286.5 billion transportation bill that was passed the day before the recess. "Republicans don't even pretend anymore."
"You have to be courageous to not spend money," said Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), "and we don't have many people who have that courage."
"There's a rising level of frustration with the disconnect between where the vast majority of conservatives are in this country and how Congress is behaving," said former representative Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), whose Club for Growth political action committee finances the campaigns of conservative candidates. "There's going to be a wake-up call sooner or later."
I have no illusions about the GOP. When in power, they're as willing as the Dems to spend like drunken sailors (although the projects are usually different). The big difference is that the GOP pretends to be otherwise at election time, and not enough of the base cares enough about the spending issue to send Congress any kind of "wake-up call".
Although I tend to vote Republican, I don't consider myself to be a Republican—why endorse a party that truly believes very little of what it professes to believe? The GOP has never gotten any money from me, and I don't expect it ever will. They spend enough of my money as it is.
August 2, 2005
It's easy to go crazy when you're spending other people's money
Whether from principle or from political calculation, Sen. John McCain lived up to his "maverick" image by being one of only four senators to vote against the $286.4 billion Highway Bill, as the AP's Jim Abrams reports:
Another who voted against the bill was one of my senators, John Cornyn. His reasons were a bit mixed: (1) Texas didn't get enough of the money (only 92 cents of every dollar of gas tax paid in TX); and (2) The overall total was too much. Presumably he would have been happy if Texas' share was increased at the expense of other states.
Of course, the real solution to this mess is to move it closer to the people. The federal government should get out of the highway-money brokerage business altogether, and let each state be responsible for the roads within its borders. This will never happen, though, for at least two reasons: (1) States that are currently net recipients of highway funds (i.e. they get more money than they paid in gas taxes) will not allow the current system to go away; and (2) Congress as a whole would never give up such an effective vote-buying scheme.
"Egregious and remarkable," exclaimed Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., about the estimated $24 billion in the bill set aside for highways, bus stops, parking lots and bike trails requested by lawmakers.President Bush had threatened a veto if Congress overshot his (in my opinion arbitrary) spending target, but it's almost certain that his first-ever veto would have been overridden. Quoting Abrams again:
McCain, one of only four senators to oppose the bill, listed several dozen "interesting" projects, including $480,000 to rehabilitate a historic warehouse on the Erie Canal and $3 million for dust control mitigation on Arkansas rural roads.
His favorite, he said, was $2.3 million for landscaping on the Ronald Reagan Freeway in California. "I wonder what Ronald Reagan would say."
Reagan, in fact, vetoed a highway bill over what he said were spending excesses, only to be overridden by Congress. Meanwhile, according to a Cato Institute analysis, special projects or "earmarks" numbered 10 in 1982, 152 in 1987, 538 in 1991 and 1,850 in 1998. The 1998 highway act set aside some $9 billion for earmarks, well under half the newest plan.
"This bill will be known as the most earmarked transportation bill in the history of our nation," said Keith Ashdown, vice president of policy for Taxpayers for Common Sense, which tracks such projects in congressional legislation.
Deciding how much will go to earmarks, however, is very much up to Congress, and few lawmakers are willing to turn down a new road or bridge in their district.Never, ever underestimate the willingness of our elected representatives to buy our votes with our own money.
"Nothing beats a ribbon-cutting ceremony on a new piece of pavement," said Peter Sepp, spokesman for National Taxpayers Union. "Road projects are regarded as a kind of government jobs program that Republicans can safely embrace."
Lawmakers were sending out press releases bragging of their accomplishments even before the bill was passed, said Tom Schatz, president of Citizens Against Government Waste. "It's a symbol of why everything else is out of control, not just highways."
Another who voted against the bill was one of my senators, John Cornyn. His reasons were a bit mixed: (1) Texas didn't get enough of the money (only 92 cents of every dollar of gas tax paid in TX); and (2) The overall total was too much. Presumably he would have been happy if Texas' share was increased at the expense of other states.
Of course, the real solution to this mess is to move it closer to the people. The federal government should get out of the highway-money brokerage business altogether, and let each state be responsible for the roads within its borders. This will never happen, though, for at least two reasons: (1) States that are currently net recipients of highway funds (i.e. they get more money than they paid in gas taxes) will not allow the current system to go away; and (2) Congress as a whole would never give up such an effective vote-buying scheme.
Arlen Specter does the heavy lifting for John Roberts' opponents
The American Constitution Society for Law and Policy was designed from the start to be a liberal counterpart to that right-wing cabal known as The Federalist Society. Just as the Federalist Society promotes an originalist view of the Constitution, the ACS promotes an anti-originalist (they prefer the term "progressive") view of the document.
ACS is consciously and enthusiastically against the qualities President Bush is looking for in a Supreme Court nominee.
All that said, it's still no surprise that supposedly-Republican senator Arlen Specter is not only hanging out with these folks, The Prowler reports that he's acting as point man for a lot of their opposition research on nominee John Roberts.
Given the fact that Specter is chairman of the judiciary committee, he's in a position to do a lot of damage to the president's nominee.
The Bush administration threw its considerable weight behind Specter's reelection campaign last time around, beating back an impressive primary challenge by someone who is much more reliably conservative.
The senator suffers no negative consequences for his misbehavior (ditto Sen. McCain), which as any parent knows virtually guarantees the behavior will continue.
At the very least, a way needs to be found to get Specter out of the chairman's seat.
ACS is consciously and enthusiastically against the qualities President Bush is looking for in a Supreme Court nominee.
All that said, it's still no surprise that supposedly-Republican senator Arlen Specter is not only hanging out with these folks, The Prowler reports that he's acting as point man for a lot of their opposition research on nominee John Roberts.
Given the fact that Specter is chairman of the judiciary committee, he's in a position to do a lot of damage to the president's nominee.
The Bush administration threw its considerable weight behind Specter's reelection campaign last time around, beating back an impressive primary challenge by someone who is much more reliably conservative.
The senator suffers no negative consequences for his misbehavior (ditto Sen. McCain), which as any parent knows virtually guarantees the behavior will continue.
At the very least, a way needs to be found to get Specter out of the chairman's seat.
August 1, 2005
Porky president?
The Center for Consumer Freedom notes that, although President Bush is arguably the most fit president in history, at 5'11" and 191 pounds he's still considered overweight according to the government's BMI standards.
Yes, the recess appointment of John Bolton is constitutionally troublesome
Which isn't the same thing as saying that it's unconstitutional. President Bush is, in fact, obeying the "letter" of the Constitution by appointing Bolton while the Senate is in recess:
But what other choice does the president have when a nominee has majority support in the Senate, but the minority refuses to allow a vote?
The recess appointment controversy would go away if, as James Taranto suggested, the Senate was compelled to vote on a nominee within 90 days of the nominee's name being submitted.
The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.While the move isn't unconstitutional, it is troublesome, since this clause was clearly meant to provide for the occasion when a post becomes vacant while the Senate is in recess, and there is an urgent need for the post to be filled before the Senate reconvenes. This was a relevant issue when the Senate took long recesses, but now it's anachronistic.
But what other choice does the president have when a nominee has majority support in the Senate, but the minority refuses to allow a vote?
The recess appointment controversy would go away if, as James Taranto suggested, the Senate was compelled to vote on a nominee within 90 days of the nominee's name being submitted.
Liberal's nightmare, conservative's dream
I'm thinking that the cartoonist was trying to scare us with this image (click to view full size):
Apart from secretly being a Scalia clone, what else do They have on Roberts?
For starters, he's a Catholic. That's suddenly a valid, nonbigoted objection— since some conservatives are trying to get pro-choicers excommunicated, the Left can safely vote against any pro-life Catholic (If you try hard enough, you'll see that B really does follow from A here).
Oh, there's also his association with that sinister cabal-disguised-as-a-debate-club called The Federalist Society:
Apart from secretly being a Scalia clone, what else do They have on Roberts?
For starters, he's a Catholic. That's suddenly a valid, nonbigoted objection— since some conservatives are trying to get pro-choicers excommunicated, the Left can safely vote against any pro-life Catholic (If you try hard enough, you'll see that B really does follow from A here).
Oh, there's also his association with that sinister cabal-disguised-as-a-debate-club called The Federalist Society:
Nutty Howard Dean blames Bush for "Kelo" decision

[Dean] said the president was partly responsible for a recent Supreme Court decision involving eminent domain.How can we even parse this?
"The president and his right-wing Supreme Court think it is 'okay' to have the government take your house if they feel like putting a hotel where your house is," Dean said, not mentioning that until he nominated John Roberts to the Supreme Court this week, Bush had not appointed anyone to the high court.
Dean's reference to the "right-wing" court was also erroneous. The four justices who dissented in the Kelo vs. New London case included the three most conservative members of the court - Chief Justice William Rehnquist and Associate Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. Justice Sandra Day O'Connor was the fourth dissenter.
The court's liberal coalition of Justices John Paul Stevens, David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer combined with Justice Anthony Kennedy to form the majority opinion, allowing the city of New London, Conn., to use eminent domain to seize private properties for commercial development.
"We think that eminent domain does not belong in the private sector. It is for public use only," Dean said.
Angle #1: The fact that Dean considers the court majority to be conservative tells us a lot about where he is politically, and it tells us a lot about a political party that would choose him as its standard-bearer.
Angle #2: He has no idea which justices voted to uphold Kelo, and just assumed that liberal justices would never be the author of an opinion that provoked such a negative public reaction. Again, this would tell us a lot about Dean, and would tell us a lot about a political party that would choose him as its standard-bearer.
Either way, it doesn't look good for Dr. Dean and the Dems.
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