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July 9, 2004

Carnival of the vulgarities

The Kerry/Edwards campaign raked in $7.5 million last night at a fundraiser that surely must have set new lows for moral degeneracy (at least in an official event for the nominee of one of the major parties).  The event was littered with entertainer after entertainer firing off insults and vulgarities in President Bush's direction.  The lowlight of the evening was Whoopi Goldberg who, according to the New York Post, "delivered an X-rated rant full of sexual innuendoes" against the president.  Can you feel the hate in this place?
So did this shameful display cause Kerry and Edwards to squirm even a little?  The Post says that "Kerry could be seen laughing uproariously during part of Goldberg's tirade - and neither he nor Edwards voiced a single objection to its tone when they spoke to the crowd."  At the end of the evening, Kerry praised the entertainers, saying that "every performer tonight ... conveyed to you the heart and soul of our country."  The heart and soul of "blue" America, maybe.
Even the New York Times appears to see the conflict between the values that Kerry/Edwards claim to represent and the values they actually embraced at last night's fundraiser.  Here is an excerpt from their account of the event:

But unlike one of Mr. Kerry's vanquished primary rivals, Howard Dean, who denounced racial humor and profanity at one of his own fundraisers in New York, Mr. Edwards and Mr. Kerry hardly veered from their script when they mounted the stage at the end of the extravaganza, looking more subdued than they had all week.

"This campaign will be a celebration of real American values," Mr. Edwards promised, saying that voters "deserve a president who knows the difference between what is right and what is wrong."

Indeed, voters "deserve a president who knows the difference between what is right and what is wrong."  Kerry demonstrated last night that he is not such a man.


UPDATE: Reader 'chocolate' writes:
The day after this fiasco, Sean Hannity had his 2nd annual "Freedom Concert" with 12,000 people attending. It was as opposite an event as you could imagine in both message and content. This event raised $2,000,000 for college scholarships for the children of slain soldiers in the War on Terror. I'm sure the event and it's significance will be ignored.

When was the last time you heard of any Democrat group or person, political or private that raised any money for such a worthwhile cause? All they seem to do is to get together, raise money for Kerry's campaign and bash the administration. But, they care about the hurting. They really do.


Ray said...

That's why it's called "blue" America.

OT: Tim, no Michelle Malkin on your list of favorites, after you plugged her blog?

Tim said...

Dang, you're right. I left off a couple of other favorites, too. Fixed now.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but while scholerships are a good idea, these kids don't need to have lost their parents. I mean, good grief! The WMD hunt is over, and we found nothing! Bush lied to the nation, and now we have proof!
Oh- and don't try to say bush is perfect when it comes to using the right language, because you know he's not.

Tim said...

The Bush administration's assertions re: WMD merely echoed those of virtually every intelligence service on the planet, not to mention the Clinton administration and leading Democrats at the time (although they did a quick 180 as soon as Bush took up the tune).

Yet, only Bush lied. How cute.

BTW, it has not been proven that the WMDs are nonexistent. They were known to exist at the time of the first Gulf War, and there is no evidence that they were destroyed. All we know for sure at this time is that they haven't been accounted for.

When you speak of Bush not being "perfect when it comes to using the right language", I can only assume you are referring to his innocent malapropisms. It's kinda silly to put that up against what occurred in the event described in this blog post.