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June 29, 2004

Buckley surrenders the helm, but not the battle

This week William F. Buckley is yielding control of National Review.  He will continue to write his syndicated column.  When the magazine was launched in November of 1955, Buckley had this to say about the state of the conservative movement:
Conservatives in this country -- at least those who have not made their peace with the New Deal, and there is a serious question of whether there are others -- are non-licensed nonconformists; and this is a dangerous business in a Liberal world, as every editor of this magazine can readily show by pointing to his scars. Radical conservatives in this country have an interesting time of it, for when they are not being suppressed or mutilated by Liberals, they are being ignored or humiliated by a great many of those of the well-fed Right, whose ignorance and amorality of [sic] never been exaggerated for the same reason that one cannot exaggerate infinity.
A half-century later, we "non-licensed nonconformists" still have a long road ahead of us, as we do battle not only against the juggernaut of liberalism, but also against the "well-fed Right" which remains solidly in control of the national-level GOP.  Keep pressing on -- this is no time to go wobbly!

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