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June 17, 2004

"Rather Biased" -- it's more than just a slogan

To no one's surprise (I keep using that phrase for some reason), Dan Rather simply loves Bill Clinton's new book.
"I liked it more than I thought I would," he said, "more than I was prepared to like it. Who knew that Bill Clinton could write this well?"

"As Presidential memoirs go," he added, "on a five-star scale, I give it five."

Liberals in the media keep complaining that conservatives keep complaining about liberals in the media, but who can blame us when we step in the evidence every which way we turn?


Tim said...

I have no idea whether or not it's good, and I am no further enlightened after seeing Rather's ringing endorsement. As folks like the Media Research Center have documented, Rather has acted like a starstruck teenager around Clinton since he was first elected.

Mr. Dan's years of loyalty seem to have won him that coveted 'access' to Clinton, and he's not about to squander it by publicly giving less than high praise to Clinton's book.

IMO, of course.

Ray said...

The New York Times reviewer was not so kind to Mr. Clinton. See the link in the Drudge Report.

Tim said...

Yup... Rather must be feeling pretty lonely by now.

See my new item.