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June 14, 2004

Nutty judge blocks deportation of pregnant woman

A U.S. District judge has blocked the deportation of a pregnant woman, and the reason he has done so is truly baffling.  As reported in a May 29 Washington Times article, Judge Scott O. Wright reasoned thus:
"Isn't that child an American citizen?" he asked, according to the Kansas City Star. "If this child is an American citizen, we can't send his mother back until he is born."
I assume Judge Wright is referring to the constitutional definition of citizenship.  However, the 14th Amendment to the Constitution is quite clear:
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.
Since the child is not yet born, no citizenship status can be inferred based on this Article.
But Judge Wright wasn't done yet with his logical gymnastics.  Again, quoting the Times:
In rejecting the federal government's request to lift a temporary stay granted Mrs. Dick in April, Judge Wright pointed to the Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004, which grants unborn children equal protection under the law if their mothers are targets of criminal violence.
A law which protects the legal rights of unborn children when their mothers are attacked is being applied in a case where no violence or threat of violence has occurred.  This Carter appointee is exercising raw judicial activism.  The fact that he unashamedly used the most absurd of reasoning suggests to me that he is doing so in service to the cause of unrestricted immigration.

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